Basic Keywords in SQL

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Sep. 21, 2021  Hits: 1,318   Category:  Database   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Distinct Keyword:

It gives unique records from database

It remove repeated rows


Find unique merchant names form Account table

select distinct MerchantName

from Account

Order by Keyword:

It is used to sort rows based on column names

Sort account table by deposit amount in ascending order

select * from Account

order by DepositAmount asc

***asc means ascending

By default it will be ascending 

Sort account table by deposit amount in descending order

select * from Account

order by DepositAmount desc

*** desc means descending 


Top keyword

Will give the only the top rows you need


select top three maximum deposits 

select top(3) * 

 from Account

 order by DepositAmount desc


select top three minimum deposits 

select top(3) * 

       from Account

order by DepositAmount asc


Select all rows from account table where deposit amount is between (500 and 5000)

Between keyword allows you to select data from a range of values. 


select * from account 

where depositamount between 500 and 5000

We can rewrite this with out between keyword like this:

select * from account 

where depositamount >= 500 and depositamount <= 5000

Question: select records from account where WithdrawAmount is between 10 and 90: 

select * from Account where WithdrawAmount between 10 and 90

Question: select records from account where TransactionDate is between '1/1/2001' and '1/1/2020' 

select * from Account where TransactionDate between '1/1/2001' and '1/1/2020'

Count keyword

will give us the number records in our database

select count(*) 

from Account


Alias: use the “as” keyword to give column names where there is no name

select count(*) as NoofRecords

from Account


Calculated Column

If you want get a new column that is not present in the table, you can create it using Alias and some math operations

select DepositAmount, WithdrawAmount, (DepositAmount - WithdrawAmount) as Balance

from Account

The Like keyword


It will search for items with similar values. You have to use wild characters (eg %)

Question: Find all customer(s) whose name starts with J

select customername

from Account

where customername like 'J%'


 Find all customer name who has ‘m’ in the middle or end

select customername

from Account

where customername like '%m%'


Find all merchants whose name contains ‘mart’ 

select merchantname

from Account

where merchantname like '%mart%'


The “In” operator


We use it in the where condition and it helps us to match items from a list 

It is the same as using multiple “or” conditions


select DepositAmount, WithdrawAmount, MerchantName, MerchantAddress

from Account

where MerchantName = 'Giant' or MerchantName = 'Lows'


Rewrite this using the IN operator

select DepositAmount, WithdrawAmount, MerchantName, MerchantAddress

from Account

where MerchantName in ( 'Giant' , 'Lows')


It will qualify to pick the item if merchant name belongs to this list ( 'Giant' , 'Lows')


Not in Operator


It will select only if the item is not contained in the list

select DepositAmount, WithdrawAmount, MerchantName, MerchantAddress

from Account

where MerchantName not in ( 'Giant' , 'Lows')


This means I want a list of accounts where merchant name is not in this list ( 'Giant' , 'Lows')


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