SQL Group by keyword

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Sep. 21, 2021  Hits: 1,078   Category:  Database   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-



SQL Group by keyword

used to categorize and group items under separate bucket and then you can use aggregate function to calculate the total items in each group

Given a list of countries and their corresponding population, calculate the total number of people in each continent 

select  Continent, sum(population) AS TotalPopulation

from Countries

group by Continent

Given a list of items and their corresponding prices, calculate the total sales prices under each category

select category , sum(price) as totalprice

from Sales

 group by category

Given a list of employees and their corresponding departments, calculate the total salary of employees in each department      

select department, sum(salary) as NoofEmployees

from Employees

group by department

Given a list of employees and their corresponding departments, calculate the number of employees in each department  

select department, count(*) as NoofEmployees

from Employees

group by department

Having and Order by

Having is condition set to filter the rows that are generated from group by. It should always come after group by

Find all departments and their counts of employees from employees table where there are more than 1000 employees under it 

select department, count(*) as NoofEmployees

from Employees

group by department

having count(*)  > 1000

order by  Department

The where clause comes before the group by

Find all departments and their counts of employees from employees table where there are more than 1000 employees under it and department name like sales

select department, count(*) as NoofEmployees

from Employees

group by department

where department like ‘Sales%’

having count(*)  > 1000

order by  Department


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