Databases Intro SQL

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Sep. 21, 2021  Hits: 1,092   Category:  Database   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-



  1. storage place for related date
  2. contains tables that actually stores the data.
  3. tables contain fields or attributes or columns.


  1. stores information about specific real-world object
  2. examples: student, course, instructor, employee, department
  3. contains fields or attributes or columns.


  1. they are the final storage place for data.
  2. examples: first name, last name, salary
  3. tells you what kind of data you are storing.
  4. should specify the datatype of each column.


  1. actual entries/sample data
  2. example: Abebe, 2000


  1. is the type of data that you are storing in to the column
  2. example: int, bigint, float, varchar(25), varchar (max), bit
  3. bit: Boolean( only true or false)
  4. int (numbers starting from 0, 1, ----)
  5. varchar: any text  for ex. John, Doe
  6. decimal: decimal number like 2.5, 2000.50
  7. char: to store only one character for ex. ‘M’ for Male
  8. datetime: to store date and time together. example: 2/28/2021 5:04 PM
  9. smalldatetime : is the same as datetime except with out the hour part. ex. 2/28/2021

Primary Key

It is unique identifier of the records of a given table

Ex: Id ,SSN ,Driver License 

  1. But first name, last name or address, DOB cannot a primary key
  2. All attributes of a record are dependent on the primary key

Foreign Key

A primary key from other table inserted in to another table to establish a relationship with the other table.


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