Binary Tree Breadth and Depth First Traversals

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Nov. 23, 2021  Hits: 895   Category:  Algorithm   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Given a binary tree we want to traverse the tree in different ways.

  1. Breadth First Search
  2. Depth First Search

Breadth First Search

This is also called level by level traversal of a binary tree starting from the root.

Given the node class as shown below

    public class Node   {

       public int element;

       public Node left; 

       public Node right;     


       public Node(int element, Node left, Node right)    {

           this.element = element;

           this.left = left;

           this.right = right;



We can use a queue to do the Breadth Frist traversal. Basically we start from the root node and add that to the queue.

We then iterates as long as the queue is not empty and we print the node and remove it from the queue. 


 public  void BFS(Node root)    {

           Queue<Node> queue = new Queue<Node>();


           while (!(queue.Count == 0))   {

               Node node = queue.Peek();

               if (node != null)      {

                   Console.WriteLine(node.element + " ");


                   if (node.left != null)


                   if (node.right != null)





Depth First Search

We have three types of DFS.

  1. In order traversal
  2. Post order traversal
  3. pre order traversal


In order traversal

Print left child first, then the parent and then the right child

  private void printTreeIn(Node t)  {

     if (t != null)  {






Post order traversal

print left, right and lastly parent in that order

  private void printTreePost(Node t)  {

           if (t != null)   {






Pre order traversal

print parent, left and lastly right in that order 

      private void printTreePre(Node t)    {

           if (t != null)   {







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