Singly Linked List Cycle Detection Algo

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Oct. 12, 2021  Hits: 1,025   Category:  Algorithm   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Give a list of distinct nodes in a singly linked list, we want to check if a there is a cycle in it. 


Input:  1→3→5→6→7

Output: No cycle detected

Input:  1→3→5→6→7→9→2→5. Here assume that the last node(5) is same as the middle node(5) and everything repeats after that as depicted in the picture above. 

Output: Cycle detected


To solve this problem we need to visualize it as a real world example. If indeed a cycle exists then we can visualize this like fast runners overlap other relatively slow runners in a track field running computation. Therefore, we can use two runners (pointers) for our linked list and we deliberately make one slow by moving the cursor one node at a time but the other one fast by moving it two nodes at a time. As a result these two runner eventually overlap each other and hence bingo we know that there is a cycle in the linked list. 

bool hasCycle(SinglyLinkedListNode head) {

       SinglyLinkedListNode slow = head;

       SinglyLinkedListNode fast = head;


       while(fast!=null && !=null)     {

           slow =;

           fast =;


               return true;//cycle exists


      return false;   



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