Given to string s1 and s2, we want to check if they are isomorphic strings. Two string are Isomorphic when there exists a one to one mapping between each character of both string.
Consider s1 = abefbctba and s2 = ghtdhdshg
Ans. True.
Consider s1 = abefbctba and s2 = ghtdhdsfg
Ans. False as the last b in s1 is not approprtely mapped to h in s2. S2 has f instead.
This problem can easily be solved using a dictionary data structure as it is efficient in dealing with key value pairs like we saw in the above table.
All we have to do is store the characters of s1 in the dictionary using the above mapping (s1 as key, s2 as value) if it is not added yet.
If it is already there that means we can get the value using the key (s1) and compare it with what is in there in s2 and it doesn't match, bingo!!! It means they are not Isomorphic strings.
Dictionary<char, char> dict = new Dictionary<char, char>();
int i = 0;
foreach(char c in s1)
if(!dict .ContainsKey(c))
dict .Add(c, s2[i]);
else if (dict [c]!=s2[i])
return false;
return true;