Reverse a Linked List

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Dec. 2, 2021  Hits: 1,081   Category:  Algorithm   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Given a singly linked list we want to reverse it.



Ans. 5,4,3,2,1


We can solve this problem with three pointers approach

We need Original Head, NewHead and NewNode pointers.


  1. We will create a Newhead pointing to null
  2. We will iterate through the linked list one node at a time and do the following steps
    1. We create a new node with value from Original Head. So in the first iteration we will have one Node with value 1
    2. We will assign the next of the NewNode to New head. So in the first iteration we will have one node 1 pointing to Null as new head is null and hence we make it the end node
    3. update newHead where Newnode is so that in the next iteration newnode next will be assigned newHead at step 2

  static SinglyLinkedListNode ReverseLinkedList(SinglyLinkedListNode origHead) 


       SinglyLinkedListNode newHead = null;

       while (origHead != null)     {

           SinglyLinkedListNode newNode = new   SinglyLinkedListNode(;

  = newHead; 

           newHead = newNode;

           origHead =;


       return newHead;


The space complexity of this algorithm is O(n). We can do better with just reversing the pointers as follows


public ListNode ReverseListUsingTemp(ListNode head) 


ListNode prev = null; 

ListNode next = null; 

ListNode curr = head;


while (curr != null) {

   next =; // Save the next node = prev; // Reverse the current node's pointer

   prev = curr;  // Move the previous pointer one step forward

   curr = next;  // Move the current pointer one step forward


return prev;  // New head of the reversed linked list






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